Meta Dermatology

Can You Exercise After PRP Hair Treatment? Here’s the Truth

Can you exercise after PRP hair treatment

Well, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is quite popular as it is a non-surgical treatment for hair loss. But wait! Are you an individual who just has gone through this treatment and is eager to jump back into your fitness routine? Hold on—exercise after PRP hair treatment may affect your results! Yes, you read it completely […]

Why No Caffeine After PRP? Here’s Why It Matters for Recovery

Why no caffeine after PRP

Are you confused about why you should avoid caffeine after the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment? If so, then you are not the only one who is searching for the right answer. Well, PRP treatment is a great option to rejuvenate the damaged tissues and skin and help in hair growth. But to get better […]